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April 18, 2012
Regular Meeting
April 18, 2012
The meeting opened at 7:37 PM.  Present were: Chairman Rick McCowan, Mark Canfield, Tom Daly, Jerry Gannelli, and John Mirick.

Discuss Land Clearing in RPOD District
Rick reported clearing was done on Gregory Hill and Sterling Roads, both located in the Rural Preservation Overlay District. John Wilson said people who live in the area and are not aware of the bylaw.  He suggests sending a notice to affected residents, conservation commission, and the forestry agency.

Russell Mason, 6 Merriam Rd. suggests the board repeal the bylaw and believes it’s burdensome to residents.

Tom noted it provides an opportunity to discuss various options with the property owner. Rick said the board works to create a balance and to keep the rural character.

Dennis Moore of 18 Sterling Rd. was contacted by the Building Inspector regarding clearing on his property. Dennis explained that he only cleaned and thinned his land to maintain his property.

Tom drafted a letter to send to affected residents. Based on John Wilson’s suggestion he will revise to add agencies to contact prior to land clearing.

Informal Discussion for OSRD – Gary Griffin
Gary Griffin met with the board to discuss his options for developing property on Old Colony Rd.  Since there are more than three lots involved, the OSRD bylaw prevented him from bringing a conventional ANR plan to develop this land.  He is concerned about the expense involved with OSRD requirements.

Rick disclosed he appraised this property for Clinton Savings Bank five years ago.

Gary presented a plan to develop six lots as a conventional plan and does not feel an OSRD should apply to this property. Rick said it is a perfect property for an OSRD and is the intent of the bylaw. John noted an aspect of the OSRD is to keep fifty percent of the land undeveloped. The intent is to get a nice subdivision layout by clustering the houses and keeping open space. Gary said he is not interested in doing an OSRD. John explained the bylaw was adopted by the town and the job of the board is to apply those mandates. Gary would like to bring an informal OSRD before the board. The board will allow it in the early stage only.  

Discuss Adding the Requirement of Recording of Site Plan Decisions
The board reviewed the memo drafted by John on March 3, 2012. All agreed it is a good idea to require recording site Plan Decisions. Jerry moved to ament the Planning Board Rules & Regulation to add the requirement of recording Site Plan Decisions at the Registry of Deeds.  Tom seconded. All in favor (4-0).  Brenda will revise the Rules and Regulations to reflect the change.

Next Steps for Worcester Rd Project Advisory Committee Update
Jerry reported that the PAC will meet with Vera Kolias from CMRPC on April 26 to review~her report. The intended outcome is for recommendations to the Planning Board for~establishing a~Worcester Road Village District.
Jerry said he believes the vision might be different if residents were aware of what a village district and overlay can accomplish. No one has explained mixed use, or how an overlay can control development through the special permit process.

Administrative Business
Meeting Minutes
April 4, 2012 - Regular Meeting –Jerry moved to approve. Tom seconded. All in favor (4-0).
March 21, 2012 - Regular Meeting –Tom moved to approve. Jerry seconded. All in favor (4-0).
March 21, 2012 – Public Hearing –Jerry moved to approve. John seconded. All in favor (4-0).

The board reviewed the mail.

Other Business
John will attend the Advisory Board meeting on april 19 to explain the proposed bylaw change.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 PM.  All were in favor.

Respectfully Submitted

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Assistant